What is the Study-through-Experience Program?

KKNS provides various programs including a crafts program, an outdoor cooking program, and environmental education for children in the local community. Please contact us for information regarding the program, the schedule, fees, and other details.

Group discounts are available for groups of ten or more (Please contact us).

We also welcome other kinds of nature study programs. For example, programs involving outdoor games, campfire building, folk tales, nature slide shows, camping, outdoor cooking, solo activities, night hiking, the observation of constellations and much more. Please contact us if you have any specific questions.

We request all participants to obtain insurance if they want to join outdoor activities (Coverage for death and any residual disabilities should be Y10m; hospitalization: Y10 thousand per day; medication and medical examination: Y6 thousand per day). The fee for the one-day program is Y70 per person. The fee for canoeing and skiing is Y580 per person per day. The fees will be collected separately.

Please note that programs will be modified according to weather and other conditions.